Singhania IBDP

A Talk with Arnay Agarwal

Sep 18, 2021

The first thought that comes to our mind when we think of a twelve year old is usually games and story books and a certain amount of naivety. But Arnay Agarwal is not the usual twelve year old that we come across. This little firebrand is a hotshot entrepreneur helming three organisations. We were fortunate to host Arnay Agarwal for a talk at our school on 18 September 2021 for the second time after having him as a speaker on TedXyouth@singhaniaschool. Aptly titled 'From Passion to Profession" his talk centred around how he tapped his love for stories and his aptitude for story writing to found eReading Shala, the Story Telling Society India and The Talk Bar. Apart from being a regular TedXyouth speaker, he is also a life coach and trainer. Arnay's energy during the talk was phenomenal, he had the entire audience rapt for over an hour as he made everyone play games along with sharing the story of his journey.

He began his talk with an icebreaker game followed by talking about how the saying "Jack of all trades and master of none" is no longer the secret to success. There was so much to absorb as Arnay shared his experiences, a very important take home after listening to Arnay was never to be afraid of experimenting and failure. Every failure makes us learn something new and become better equipped to try again. An important message for students was that setbacks at a younger age have a milder impact than those when we are older so never be afraid of trying something new. At the end of his talk he handled questions with panache. Our gratitude to Director Education and Principal Mrs Revathi Srinivasan for providing us with the opportunity and the platform for this amazing experience.