Understanding personal strengths and weaknesses both at an academic as well as a personal level is an integral part of education. At Smt Sulochanadevi Singhania School IBDP, the primary aim is to help students successfully complete their IB education while achieving the best possible outcome and results from their education.
In association with SESL and Grad Guide , the school has initiated a comprehensive counselling programme called Career Navigator. The counsellor facilitates determining the student’s academic and career goals through interactions from the very start of IBDP. The students are guided about the requisites of the university application process, preparing their profiles and SOPs and guidance for choosing the course and university best suited to them.
College and University admissions officers from across the globe interact with our students and parents. College fairs, workshops, information sessions are hosted at the school to provide students with a wide perspective of choices available for them. The school also has a College Board Account and conducts PSAT assessments.
At Smt Sulochanadevi Singhania School, social skills and emotional wellbeing is given as much weightage as physical wellbeing and academic excellence. In our attempt to have reflective and balanced learners we have a strong support system for our students for socio-emotional needs. Weekly homeroom assemblies, special theme based assemblies, various activities and competitions, reflection sessions after every major activity provide the students a platform to express themselves. Regular enrichment sessions are conducted by the DPC and teachers for students. Motivational talks by people from across various fields are arranged regularly.
The School has a dedicated CDLC Centre for support. In addition the IBDP section has a trained psychologist as the Psychology facilitator who conducts reflection sessions twice a week with the IBDP cohort where the students discuss and reflect on various aspects of emotional wellbeing. The Counsellor and the DPC also interact one-to-one with students who require emotional support.