
The curriculum is made up of the DP Core and six Subject Groups.

DP CORE- Made up of the three required components, the DP core aims to broaden students’ educational experience and challenge them to apply their knowledge and skills.

Theory of knowledge

In this component students reflect on the nature of knowledge and on how we know what we claim to know. The TOK Course provides an opportunity to explore and reflect on the nature of knowledge and the process of knowing.

  • How do we know that we KNOW ?
  • How do we know?
  • What role does our cultural and social environment play in the process of knowing?
  • Is it necessary that what we know always agrees with what others know?

The Extended Essay

The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. The EE is the centrepiece of the IB Diploma Programme. It is an integral and valuable learning experience for all Diploma Programme students. The aims of the EE are for students to:

  • Engage in independent research with intellectual initiative and rigour
  • develop research, thinking, self-management and communication skills
  • Reflect on what has been learned throughout the research and writing process.
  • Experience the excitement of intellectual discovery.

Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)

CAS is at the heart of the Diploma Programme. It is one of the three elements of the core in every student’s Diploma Programme experience.
CAS enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development by learning through experience.
It provides opportunities for self-determination and collaboration with others, fostering a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment from their work.
At the same time, CAS is an important counterbalance to the academic pressures of the DP.


Students choose one course each from the six subject groups. Students may opt to study an additional sciences, individuals and societies, or languages course, instead of a course in the Arts. Students will take some subjects at higher level (HL) and some at standard level (SL). HL and SL courses differ in scope but are measured according to the same grade descriptors, with students expected to demonstrate a greater body of knowledge, understanding and skills at higher level. Each student takes at least three (but not more than four) subjects at higher level, and the remaining at standard level. Standard level subjects take up 150 teaching hours. Higher level comprises 240 teaching hours.

Subjects offered at our school:

  • Group I - English Language and literature Read More
  • Group II - Language acquisition- Hindi B, Spanish, French Read More
  • Group III - Individuals and Societies- Business Management, Economics, Psychology Read More
  • Group IV - Experimental Sciences- Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computer Science Read More
  • Group V - Mathematics Analysis and Approaches and Mathematics Application and Interpretation Read More
  • Group VI - Arts- Visual arts Read More
  • Group III & IV - Interdisciplinary - Environmental Societies and Systems Read More

Spanish and French are offered only at the SL Level. Students can take ab initio level if they do not have any prior knowledge of the subjects and level B SL if they have learnt the language at the class 10th level.