Nov 21, 2021
CONCINNITY'21 , a CAS initiative of the Singhania IBDP year 1 cohort was an exemplar of all the elements of a true IBDP initiative. All three strands of CAS; CREATIVITY , ACTIVITY & SERVICE were exhibited in its true essence. In addition the ATL skills and Learner profile was instilled in each student as they developed collaborative, communication and self management skills and also learnt to be true IB learners who are 'Carers ' and 'open-minded'. Concinnity was a complete student-led initiative where they learnt entrepreneurial and marketing skills and developed communication skills as they pitched their ideas to sponsors and performers and worked hard to sell tickets for the concert. Organising the event was a great learning experience for students. The proceeds collected from the ticket sales and sponsors will be used to make life more comfortable for cancer survivors under the care of Access Life, an NGO.